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What is People-Based Search and How to Use It?

What is People-Based Search and How to Use It?

Did you know every business has fair-weather customers who buy from you once a year, once every few years or even once a decade? Convincing these customers to return to your business is a real challenge. This is because these customers have short memories that make it difficult for them to recall how great your service was when they’re looking to buy something a year down the line.


Even if they take an initial step to buy from you, they would be attracted by an irresistible offer from one of your competitors. So, what can you do to change this scenario? Get in front of these potential customers with the right product at the right time.


Even by customizing search using Albuquerque SEO, if you couldn’t be sure you were reaching the right people, then don’t fret! People based search changes all that!


People-based search helps you to use the power of audience segmentation data with in-market intent to target the right people. This people-based search has become a new sweet spot for all data-driven marketers these days.


Benefits of People-based Search

More Efficient

Since the people you are targeting already know you and are more likely to buy again. Hence you may get a much better RoAS.


Segmentation Goldmine

Segmentation in people-based search allows you to combine what you know about people with what you know about their intent.


Customer Retention

People-based search encourages your customers to return again and again and serves as a valuable channel for customer retention.


On the whole, the people-based search is a new way to think about targeted advertising, and by increasing the number of people in this search, it becomes incredibly versatile.


With the people-based search for SEO in Albuquerque, you can target niche groups of customers and prospects with tailored ads based on what you know about them.


How Does It Work?


  • People-based search helps you to show new products to your existing customers based on their search and suppress ads for products they already have.
  • Put forth introductory offers to your customers whenever they are open to such promotions.
  • Use special offers, surprise gifts, products and services to reward loyal customers and encourage them to ‘shop around’.
  • Ensure that your high-value customers always see the most relevant promotions and products whenever they are actively searching for new products.

Are you thinking why the world’s most progressive, data-driven marketers are turning to people-based search? This is because,

  • Better marketing segmentation and better results.
  • Tremendous uplift in conversions.
  • Higher customer retention and reactivation rates.


People-based search saves your money by avoiding targeting a former customer twice and always provide an opportunity to sell.


Author Bio:

The author of the article is the leading SEO expert in Albuquerque with over 20 years of experience in the industry. In this article, he discusses people-based search and its benefits to marketers. Visit for more information.

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