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Know a Few SEO Trends for Your Website in 2019

Know a Few SEO Trends for Your Website in 2019

Now Google has made various changes regarding website speed and mobile responsiveness. It makes sure that the website delivers the most optimized search results. SEO Australia is one of the fields that have a constant change depending on the new requirements of the users. Always it changes to the point where it is challenging to keep up with everything. Here we have discussed a few SEO Australia trends need for your website to hit your targeted audience.

Mobile-First Indexing

Comparing to the mobile trends of last year, most search engines are taking more effort for indexing and ranking by looking at the mobile version of your website. Even though, if you don’t have a mobile version, the search engine looks after your desktop version to rank your page. So it doesn’t matter whether you have a mobile version or not. On the other hand, users using mobiles can’t be able to navigate and read your page. This page will not be visible to them. For this reason, you need to update your website for mobile browsing. Similar to this, search engines will be able to use the responsive web design that can serve all devices using the same code.

Featured Snippets Ranking

Having featured snippets helps you appear on top of the search result where the ranked contents will be displayed. To rank your content in the featured snippets, you need to rank it on your own page. Featured snippets can be derived only from a high ranked content. It can be done only by having engaging and high-quality content with the right keywords. In the case of questioned keywords, make sure that you include paragraph featured snippets. Make sure to keep your featured snippets short and use brief paragraphs in providing authoritative answers. Hiring an SEO company in Australia helps you to drive 80% of traffic to your website by ranking your website on the features snippet.

High-Quality Content

Having high-quality content help you rank higher. According to a survey did by Google confirming the sites with trustworthiness, enterprise and authoritative, more than 300 sites were affected badly that include medical and health websites. It has confirmed that low-quality contents have impacted people’s life directly. So Google is now focusing more on high-quality content. If you don’t have quality content, then you won’t be ranked even on the second page.

Voice Search Optimization

Today, voice search optimization is becoming more popular among peoples. Based on a survey, a huge number of people are using their mobiles for voice search and voice command techniques. By hiring an SEO company in Australia, you can optimize your site for voice search, and so you can rank higher.

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