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Kickstart your Digital Campaign with these 7 Effective Social Media Strategies

Kickstart your Digital Campaign with these 7 Effective Social Media Strategies

Digital marketing is an ever-changing landscape that adopts new developments almost every day. This also applies to social media, which is an important constituent of digital marketing. As a digital marketer, one has to keep track of the opportunities, strategies, and new trends that’d do wonders for your brand. Without further ado, let’s get to the 7 effective strategies of social media marketing in Perth:

Facebook Messenger

Facebook is the number one social media platform widely used by marketers. That said, Facebook Messenger marketing is a thing today. Several brands today are taking advantage of this feature to connect with their customers for answering queries and resolving complaints.


Livestreaming is everywhere – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Livestreaming is your chance to interact with people in real-time and connect with them on a personal level. Doing so builds trust amongst your audience.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is booming and is now an integral part of digital marketing today. This technology is smart enough to understand a user’s search patterns and obtain data from their social media activity, to let businesses know that it is their customers that discovered their products first.

Augmented Reality

Businesses are blending augmented reality (AR) experience into social media to enhance the buying experience of a customer. Facebook is investing heavily into AR already, and there’s a great chance for it to take the lead. One example is the ability to ‘try out’ various pairs of sunglasses using your device screen before purchasing them from the online store.

Influencer Marketing

Social media has emerged as a go-to platform for spreading the word about any brand or its products. Influencer Marketing is a type of word-of-mouth strategy except that it is paid by brands. Brands pay popular social media profiles, aka influencers, to promote their product or service. Such influencers include celebrities, bloggers, or social media stars. This facilitates social media lead generation in Perth.

Online Reviews

Product reviews posted by customers have become a huge driving factor in sales. Therefore, any brand has to ensure that their customers’ overall experience with the brand is pleasant throughout the journey. This not just includes a great product, but a satisfactory customer service that is accessible via social media. This further helps gather more positive reviews and increased sales as a result.

Video Content

You might have heard it before, but video content consumption is growing at a phenomenal rate. And, 2019 looks bright for visual based content. The popularity of Instagram stories and the introduction of IGTV on the platform explains that people love video content more than ever, and brands must exploit this opportunity for growth.

When social media marketing is done right, your brand value is enhanced, customers love you more, and you can generate leads easily. Getting the assistance of an expert social media marketing consultant in Perth is a great way to execute a winning strategy.

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