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7 Tips to Avoid Big Mistakes in Content Marketing

7 Tips to Avoid Big Mistakes in Content Marketing

According to the recent research reports of Content Marketing Institute, “85% of B2B marketers consider Content creation as the primary reason for increased business success in 2017.” While 91% of top marketers choose content marketing, there are few businesses that are tripping in every step towards content marketing. If you are one among them, then you are in the right place!

Here we’ve listed 7 expert tips to avoid big content marketing mistakes and unlock the power of content.

Frame an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Every marketing practice needs an effective strategy to walk through the path of success. According to Albuquerque SEO experts, content marketing is much more than creating and distributing content. It is a strategic support that can be used to generate leads, engage audience, promote branding and achieve your marketing goals. A good content marketing strategy allows you to take action that is well-focused.

Link Content Marketing Strategy to Total Marketing

Sine content marketing is an essential part of overall marketing, it is vital to align it with the total marketing strategy. If you avoid this step, you will be at the jeopardy of losing your efforts. So, while developing a marketing strategy ensure to bring all the team together to get everyone focused on the goals. This helps you to close more leads.

Have Your Strategy Documented

Documenting content marketing strategy means having a checklist and clearly defining the roles of each one in your team. It provides you great insight on the measure of your project and how will you achieve it.

Develop a Content Calendar

Having a content calendar helps you to align your business goals, amplifies the events, and gives your team a clear picture of what is going to unfold. It also helps you to plan and execute the content that you love.

Compare Content

Compare your current writing with the content you’ve generated to check for the following:

  • Buyer Persona
  • Whether you have listed too many concepts
  • Deficiency of emotional factor

Focus on the Quality

Yes, it is vital to deliver the right message right in front of your audience. Always remember, relevance trumps technology. Create a content that reflects the buyer’s requirement, their needs and your solutions.

Promote It

A recent report from Social Triggers says that content marketing is 80% promotion and 20% content. Through content promotion, you make sure that your content reaches as much audience possible. Following are the different ways to promote your content:

  • Send content to your business social media profiles
  • Create engaging visual content
  • Send your content to your e-mail list
  • Connect with influences and request them to share your content

Visit, the leading Albuquerque SEO company for more advice on content marketing and web design Albuquerque.

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