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5 Foolproof Ways to Build Trust on Social Media

5 Foolproof Ways to Build Trust on Social Media

Customer experience is a priority for businesses today. Pleasant customer experience eventually builds strong customer relationships and eventually, trust. Social media today has become an important touchpoint in developing customer relationships. This is why businesses should jump ship and harness the power of social media marketing in Perth to engage with customers and offer a satisfactory experience. Here are 5 techniques you can adapt to build trust with your social media audience:

Be Helpful, Always:

You cannot constantly ask your followers to like or share your posts all the time. You should also be offering them something in return and build trust in the process. This could be responding to their posts or messages, answering their queries in a timely manner, informing them of a deal or offer in advance, or offering them quality assistance for grievances.

Responsiveness is the Key:

Social media is instantaneous. You could share literally anything from regular text updates to live streams in a matter of seconds. Users are given great tools to enhance their user experience, which sets the bar high when it comes to responsiveness from their preferred brands. The more prompt you are in responding to the user queries, the more satisfied they will be with you. This would not be easy when you have a small team, but you shall get help from a social media marketing consultant in Perth who could get this done for you.

Be Transparent:

Be transparent when it comes to social media. The GDPR guidelines has also made it mandatory that companies inform their customers as to what they do with the user data they have gathered over time. And if you commit a mistake, make no second thoughts to accept it. This will only prove that you are open and honest as a brand, and that you have your customers’ best interests at heart. This will eventually evoke trust in the minds of people.

Show your Funny Side:

Apparently, people use social media to not just stay updated on the trends, but also to watch funny videos & memes and have a good laugh. This is why, as a brand, you need to show your funny side more often to keep your customers entertained. This will only bring them a little closer to you. It could be sharing a funny photo associated with your brand, a funny video, or a meme-worthy post which might be relevant to your product or service.

Offer Rewards:

Let your customers know how much they mean to you. Run contests and competitions periodically. This is particularly popular with Facebook marketing in Perth. Contests will create a buzz around your brand and also brings in the possibility of reaching more potential customers.

Listen to what customers think of your brand, and focus on generating positive feedback than negative ones. Follow the aforementioned tips for social media success. Contact an expert social media marketing consultant in Perth for more help in this regard.

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